Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Saturday morning real time

It is hard to be a 3, almost 4 year old.  Mommy makes you do things you don't want to do like change your too short dress, not eat candy and also not fuss about it.  This little video is from Saturday.  I would like to say this is the first time this has happened, but alas, it is not the first and not the last.  My favorite part is Abby dancing around singing "mommy is mean."

Open scene: Abby just got out of time out for fussing.  The timer is still beeping and Mommy has not yet turned it off before we have a big talk about why Abby had a time out.  Mommy is trying to talk to Abby about her behavior.  Mommy tries to engage Daddy in this conversation to get another parent (who is logical, because Abby is not) involved.
Background activity: Will runs to sit with Daddy.  Daddy is on the couch because he hurt his back.  He has not been off the couch for two weeks.
Outside of the frame activity: Harper is running around naked.  Mommy is trying to get her dressed so that we can go to Target.  Note the dress and shoes in Mommy's hands.
Abby and Mommy conversation: Don't be fussy.  Abby will get time outs for being fussy.  Mommy shows Abby her fussy behavior.  Yes, Mommy did say "Don't be a fuss face."  That makes Abby laugh.  Mommy is trying to deflect the conversation by talking about the upcoming birthday party, Target, anything.
Abby actions: She stomps.  Continues to fuss.  Abby asks about candy.  Abby does her 'mommy is mean' dance.  Abby earns an additional time out.
End scene: Mommy checks the fridge for grocery needs, checks her purse for money, and resets the timer for an additional time out.  It took a bit, but Abby did finish her time out.  Abby did not stop fussing right away, but we can hope that she will stop fussing before she turns, best guess, 10 years old.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Chocolate Doughnut

What started out as a great idea to buy chocolate doughnuts turned into a back seat mess.  Harper knows when the big kids get something and she will not be left out.  Thank goodness Matt caught this on film.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I should not let Will hold the camera

This is what happens.  Here I am, minding my own business, sitting in my family room, enjoying some down time.  I know it is down time because I am sitting.  What is going on around me?  Well, I am not sure exactly what is going on.  All I know is that it looks like this picture to the left, just in real life it is much louder.  This picture does not show the wild little guy behind the camera.  He was busy snapping pictures.  

Here is another true life picture that Will took.  I look like I am on a mission.  Abby looks like she is digging through drawers.  Harper looks like she is about to go to Target.  If this is a Saturday, it is a really good chance we are getting ready to go to Target.

Getting ready to go anywhere explains this next picture.  Thank you Will, for snapping pictures while I am giving out stern directions (yelling).  I bet I was telling him not to take my picture and to go put his shoes on.  Really, I don't want to yell, but it just comes out when I have to remind a certain adorable little boy to put on his shoes for the 50th time.  If I am not careful, my face could freeze this way.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby's first tantrum

Let's add this to the list of firsts in the baby book.  Last night, Harper wanted something on the counter.  To think about it, Harper wants lots of things on the counter...sunglasses, my phone, sharp knives.  To her, we keep all good things on the counter just out of her reach.  To her credit, she is right.  We do keep all the good stuff up there.

In the first picture, Harper is reaching for one of those good things.  It might have been the camera now that I think about it.  That is what prompted me to take these pictures.  I got the camera instead of her.

Yes, now I am sure it was the camera.  She was not happy with me that I have the camera when she wanted it.  She took the time to grunt at me with her baby grunts.  She started pointing with her baby fingers to let me know that she wants the camera.  Wait for it...

...Oh she is not happy now! Here is the tantrum that we knew would happen sooner or later.  Go Harper go!  Make it a good one! 

A strong finish with a time out on the stairs.  Oh yes, baby's first time out.  This picture also does double duty as it also records baby's first escape from time out. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Garden Helpers

This year, unlike other years, I am enjoying workin in the yard. It is a great stress relief.  While my yard is not looking good yet (not even close), I've had lots of fun potting plants and putting down mulch.  While Will has helped me some-he wants to help with the hedge trimmers and I am not okay with that yet- Abby and Harper are joining me for the gardening work.  Abby calls it "digging."  Here are a few recent pictures of them helping me start some veggie seeds.
Each girl had her own shovel and dirt.

Abby knew this was a photo op and made sure to act accordingly.

Harper is following Abby's lead.  Check out the look Harper is shooting Abby.  Please note Harper's snack bowl on the table.

Now note that Harper's snack bowl is full of dirt.  She put it there.  Relly, she sort of flicked it in there with her shovel.  God made dirt.  Dirt won't hurt.  Still, let's hope she doesn't eat it in large quantities.
Better shot of the dirt.

The finished products of our hard work.  Abby helped me water them after we finished our "digging."