It is hard to be a 3, almost 4 year old. Mommy makes you do things you don't want to do like change your too short dress, not eat candy and also not fuss about it. This little video is from Saturday. I would like to say this is the first time this has happened, but alas, it is not the first and not the last. My favorite part is Abby dancing around singing "mommy is mean."
Open scene: Abby just got out of time out for fussing. The timer is still beeping and Mommy has not yet turned it off before we have a big talk about why Abby had a time out. Mommy is trying to talk to Abby about her behavior. Mommy tries to engage Daddy in this conversation to get another parent (who is logical, because Abby is not) involved.
Background activity: Will runs to sit with Daddy. Daddy is on the couch because he hurt his back. He has not been off the couch for two weeks.
Outside of the frame activity: Harper is running around naked. Mommy is trying to get her dressed so that we can go to Target. Note the dress and shoes in Mommy's hands.
Abby and Mommy conversation: Don't be fussy. Abby will get time outs for being fussy. Mommy shows Abby her fussy behavior. Yes, Mommy did say "Don't be a fuss face." That makes Abby laugh. Mommy is trying to deflect the conversation by talking about the upcoming birthday party, Target, anything.
Abby actions: She stomps. Continues to fuss. Abby asks about candy. Abby does her 'mommy is mean' dance. Abby earns an additional time out.
End scene: Mommy checks the fridge for grocery needs, checks her purse for money, and resets the timer for an additional time out. It took a bit, but Abby did finish her time out. Abby did not stop fussing right away, but we can hope that she will stop fussing before she turns, best guess, 10 years old.