Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunscreen and All Three

I have noticed that sun protection is a major duty of motherhood.  It is your duty as a mommy to cover everyone from head to toe in spf 50.  The responses come in varying degrees from the children who are super excited to get to the pool/beach/park/away from me and normally don't want to stand still for anything, including sunscreen.  Their responses fall into the following catergories:
1. The screemer.  It is too cold.  It smells.  It got into my eyes.  This response usually comes with jumping around, running away and loud opposition.
2. The helper.  This one wants to help.  They grab the sunscreen from you and apply it in thick, uneven piles all around their body.  They are proud and will not let you help them smooth it out or apply sunscreen to their back. The astute mother has to be steathy and smooth, cover, and reapply to the face without them knowing.  This usually comes in the form of a hug or an unassuming back rub.   My kids have also sunscreened my car before.  Don't worry, it does not take off the paint.

3. The runner.  This is much more sneaky than the screemer.  This response includes a smile from the child and a darting run in the opposite direction from the sunscreen applier.  The baby likes to run towards the road.  This one gets me particuallay out of breath because of the chase and then the constant arm holding while applying the sunscreen.
4. The negociator.  The baby can't usually handle this one because she doesn't have enough words but the six year old can do it with ease.  They list the reasons they don't need sunscreen.  My favorites have included that it is cloudy, or cold, or we had it yesterday.  This also comes in the form of "just cover Abby first.  I will get my sunscreen next."
5. The grown up.  Yes, this is my husband who is very fair and will burn easy.  He goes to the extremes of all of these. He puts on too much, or not every much because he is not going to be in the sun very long.  I am not responsible for putting sunscreen on the grown up but I do heckle.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Whatcha doin' Harper?

Harper loves towels.  I don't know where her love comes from but she just loves them.  She requests them.  There is more than once that she has asked me (yelled at me) "TOWEL, MOMMY, TO-WEL!!"  I picked Harper up from school one day this summer:

Me: Harper are you excited to go see Will and Abby.
Harper: Um, no.  Towel.

She also steals them.  I no longer am able to keep a dish towel on my oven.  She steals them every time.  She also hoards them.  I found 4 towels in her bed one time.
Matt and I are okay with her love for towels.  The calm her down.  Let the little girl enjoy her simple pleasure.
Classic Harper: Two fingers in her mouth and a dish towel.

Who needs two shoes when towels make her this happy?

This is the madness that Harper is chillin' in.  Good thing she has a towel.