Dressed alike at the pool
Will has a special place in his heart for his baby sister C. He holds her and takes care of her. He makes her laugh when she is said. He is great at getting her out of the bed when she wakes up in the morning…which is sometimes good and sometime bad. While he torments his other sisters, he so sweet to CC.
I noticed at the pool that they were matching in their “bathing suits.”
• Will is not a fan of swim suits. The lining doesn’t feel good to him. He also doesn’t see the point of changing from one pair of shorts to another pair of shorts just go get in the pool. I usually don’t push the issue because I have a million other issues I have to push.
• C, on the other hand, doesn’t care if she changes clothes or not. I decided that on this trip I didn’t want to shake her roly-poly body into her suit just so she could play at the pool for an hour. I just took of her shirt and let her wear her pants.
Sign me up for mother of the year…again.