Monday, September 22, 2014

Harper Starts Kindergarten

My Sassy little Harper started Kindergarten this year.  She is having a blast meeting new friends, sitting at her table and choosing just the right towel to take with her everyday.  She is a trooper but Harper does miss her sleep.  She is the last one up in the morning and usually the first to go to sleep at night.  
Harper's stories are the best.  She comes home and tells everyone about '50's day or pumpkin carving or a little boy who got in trouble.  She does cry when her teacher is out and she has a substitute.  
Harper, you are rocking out kindergarten.  Let's go get a small towel packed int your bookbag. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

C turns 2

When did my baby get to be 2 years old?  The blond hair, blue eyed (I have no idea where THAT came from) adorable child is keeping us on our toes.  C is very sweet, loves to cuddle, and also will use her finger nails to cut you if she doesn't get her way.  I am constantly hearing the kids saying "no hurting CC!" They are very sweet to her and take care of her even though she is...learning to be so mean.
C, there are a couple of cool things you do now that you are two:
1. When you say yes, you actually say "Yesh." It is so cute.
2. You say "no" to almost everything we ask you.
3. You can put on your own shoes.
4. You love jackets.
5. You love to sleep in. 
6. You are a very cool kid. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The perks of being #4

C, you have got it good.  One of the perks of being number 4 is having all these great siblings to take care of you.  William and Abby can both get you out of the crib when your nap is over or when I want to sleep in and you want to get up.  Your older siblings didn't have this luxury.  Harper plans fun games with you all the time.  Count your blessing C.  I can count 3 major ones.