Monday, December 29, 2014

Nasty Ingredients

Harper's new favorite game is to make "nasty ingredients."  I love the way she says "ingredients."  The word is too big for her but she goes after it with gusto.  That's my girl.  
The game consists of Harper getting a few spices (any will do), a bowl or two, a liquid, and a detailed monologue.  On this day, I see that she has toast pieces, sugar, cumin and water.  Harper, I can't wait to see what you make. 

C at the sink

What is it about a baby, water, and a cup that children are so drawn to?  C is getting to be a grown up little baby (you can't tell around her paci, I know) and has discovered the joys of playing in the sink.  For an hour, she will stand there, filling up cups, bowls, bread bags (as seen in the picture, my mistake of leaving to close to her) and anything else she can get her hands on.  Rock it out C.  You join the full group of Perryman children who have done this at the sink at your age.  

Sunday, December 21, 2014


I do love my birthday.  This year, we celebrated at Dunkin Donuts and then all weekend.  I was surrounded by all of my favorite people who were so full of donuts, they couldn't stop themselves from enjoying my day with me.
Thanks kids for making it a great start to year 34. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Putting the tree up for Christmas

Nothing says that holiday season like getting the tree set up.  We like to make the event a family affair.  We all pitch in and help, but there are traditional roles we all usually take on. 
1. Matt lifts.  He also encouraged the kids to help lift. 
2. The big kids fuss.  They don't want to touch the tree.
3. I move furniture. 
4. Cecilia cries because no one was paying attention to her.
5. Harper tries to look busy holding her towel so she doesn't have do do with Matt is making the big kids do. 
6. Matt brings in the tree stand.  He encourages the big kids to lie on the floor and tighten the bolts around the tree.
7. The big kids fuss that the bolts are difficult to tighten. Needles are falling on them. Harper doesn't have to do anything.
8. I get the vacuum.
9 Cecilia calms down with a snack.
10. Harper moves into the other room to find another towel. 
11.  Matt tightens all the bolts. 
12.  I give Matt a big hug. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fun moms take their kids out to dinner.

What's a mom to do when her partner in crime (dad) is out of town?  There is really only choice cream for dinner.  I made the executive decision that not forcing the kids to eat dinner at home would be fine if we went out together.  Here are the list of good things I rationalized in my brain:
1. My kids would think I am cool.  They don't think this very often, so I seized the chance.
2. Matt would think I am a fun parent.  He doesn't think this very often as I enforce bedtime and won't let people wear shorts to school in the winter time.
3. Frozen yogurt is technically a health food.
4. The store is locally owned so I am helping a small business person.
5. We shared an apple on the way there.
While we were there, I texted Matt this picture.  His exact response back: "Mom of the year, I am so proud of you!"  I was feeling very smug about letting go and being a cool mom...and then the baby dropped her ice cream, Harper stepped in it, Will asked for another bowl (whined over and over) and Abby wouldn't let Harper be in her show that she was putting on for me in the middle of the ice cream store. I guess I can't win them all, but I can convince Matt that I am a fun parent.