Monday, August 17, 2009

Abby can talk now

Abby has lots to say. She just learned that all of us have the last name of "Perryman" at our house. She points around the room, starting with herself. "Abby Perryman, Will Perryman, Mommy Perryman, and Daddy Perryman!"
She just realized it is funny to mix up the names too. You can see her little brain processing her 'joke' as she points to me and says "Daddy!" Then she laughs and says "no, you not Daddy."

Most of the time, she is just demanding 'noodles' or telling me that 'Kiki hit me.' I was pretty upset when Abby told me that Kiki hit her five days in a row. I went to school and talked to the teacher about it. It turns out that Kiki only comes to school on Tuesday and Thursday and had only hit Abby once. Maybe that is just one of her jokes that I don't get.

1 comment:

lauraknight said...

How fun! Words make everything better and everything worse all at the same time depending on the situation. :)

Kate mentions Abby quite regularly and says (in her cute 2-year-old way)..."Mama, 'member my friend Abby at Nana and Pa's house?" Then we talk all about how much fun they had playing together. Please tell sweet Abby that her cousin Kate says hello.