Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome to the World, Baby Harper

Harper Elizabeth is here! She was born on Thursday, September 10th at 9:30 pm. I was so glad she came one day before her due date. I went into labor after about 1pm while at work. I got to the hospital around 4 and got my epideral (YES!) around 6:15. Harper wanted to come out forehead first so she took some pushing and the doctor had to manually turn her (again, YEAH for epideral). In the end, she was worth all the work.
This little girl is awesome. She has been a great baby so far. Will and Abby love their little sister and want to hold and love on baby Harper.

We could tell from the start that Harper would be a very chill little person. She doesn't cry much and she sleeps at night(three hours at a time but I will take it)! I keep waiting for the wailing to start, but I have been lucky so far.

Just like Will and Abby, Harper is already showing signs of looking just like Matt. I expect beautiful long lashes and big brown eyes.


Unknown said...

Yay, I can't wait to meet her! Call me when you have some free time...ok, let me rephrase me when you have a couple seconds to spare :-)

MamaDoo said...

Awww, Anna she is just beautiful. How do you always make it look so easy?? The kids look so excited to meet her too! What were her stats, weight, length?