On Sunday, Will hurt his finger while playing with his friend. We didn't think it was serious, so we didn't take him to the doctor...until Tuesday when he was still not using his left hand and holding his pinky finger out all the time. Turns out, his finger was not broken, but he did have the swine flu. I feel like this puts me and Matt in the running for parents of the year...again.

Abby got a fever at school on Wednesday so now she has it. On Thursday Matt woke up feeling awful so now he has it too. So far, Harper and I are clean but I am not holding my breath. We are all home together, washing our hands constantly. Here are a few shots from our 'sick' day home.

I am still concerned about the swine flu, but we are doing just fine. We are watching lots of Dora and drinking lots of apple juice.
Bummmmmer! Hope you are all all better now. Someone at my office had swine flu...but so far just the one, knock on wood.
Whew, glad you are all hopefully all better. I'm so glad you and Harper steered clear!
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