Why is Will looking at me like that? I just want a good picture. Abby is looking great but it looks like Harper is trying to pinch her...or take her shirt off. The matching outfits are ADORABLE again!!!!

Abby is going to get Harper back now. You think that Abby's arm around Harper is just sweet...it is actually very dangerous for Harper. Abby is going to pull Harper over any minute. The baby is a good in a sitting up pose, but is no match for Abby's
strength. Too bad, since Harper is probably the happiest I've ever seen her. Will is watching

Abby and Harper are not looking at me. Will has now moved away from me. Check him out in the background with his
vogue pose. I guess I am going to have to go pay money to get the kids looking good all in the same picture. Well, I guess when they are all in the car they take
pretty good pictures. Hey kids, get in the backseat, mommy needs to take a picture!
I'm loving Harper's mohawk. Surely that's a sign that soon she'll be the toughest one in the house and get payback on her bigger siblings...
I second the mohawk love!
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