Tuesday, December 21, 2010

30 is not so bad, really

I won't lie, I have not been looking forward to this birthday. Now that it is here, it is not so bad. To celebrate my birthday in style, this is what I am going to do:
1. Get up before my kids. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the quiet. It is a simple pleasure but it is the best. If the kids come into my room to sleep in the middle of the night, they make it extra challenging to sneak out of the bedroom and downstairs without waking them up. I am getting to be a pro. I guess it is because I am 30.
2. Take the day off of work. Matt is going to do the same. We might even talk to each other. I really do enjoy talking to that man but screaming the events of the day to each other over the children at dinner is not really adult conversation. Lately, Harper has been quiet the comedian and tries constantly to make her brother and sister laugh by hitting herself in the head. It is funny, but it kills all dinner conversation.
3. Take the kids out to breakfast. I expect loud singing of Happy Birthday at Panera. I can handle it, I am 30.
3. Go shopping and buy myself something pretty, but not too expensive because we are on a budget. That is what you do when you turn 30 and become responsible.
4. Take a nap. A really good nap. The kind of nap that I take my contacts out and turn on the noise maker. I would do this at any age.
6. Go out to dinner with my friends.
7. Have a big glass of red wine, and toast to the next 30 years of fun.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Anna! Enjoy your red wine tonight and remember how much wiser you are. ;)

MamaDoo said...

Happy Birthday! It's not so bad...just a number. Hey, Matt's already past it!

Krankin said...

Happy belated birthday! You have the most wonderful outlook on getting older, enjoying the simple things and life in general--Brennan and I very much love the blog!