When you give a girl an apple....mommy will feel very virtuous for feeding her child right and steering her towards good food choices.

When you give a girl an apple...you will watch with pleasure as you realize how grown she is.
When you give a girl an apple...her little sister will want one too.

When you give a baby an apple...your heart will swell with pride for establishing good eating habits early and setting up a life time of health eating.
When you give your baby an apple...you will then follow her around to make sure she is not eating the seeds because you think you saw her eat one earlier and it grossed you and also made you worry about the apple as a choking hazard.

When you give your baby an apple...you will sigh continuously as you pick up half eaten apples off the floor wash them off and hand them back to the baby when she points with her cute little baby finger and grunts at you with her cute
speech grunts.
When you give a baby an apple....you will finally lose the apple and go in search of it.
When you give a baby an apple....you will finally find the apple the next day in the pantry. You will look around for someone else to pick up the nasty, old apple but then you realize you are the mommy and have to pick it up.
1 comment:
I love this story. Mostly because Richard has been giving Mack apples to eat since he was 1 year old, too. The only difference is that we have dogs. So our dogs always eat whatever apple leftovers Mack leaves lying around - except the stems, which I find all over my house. Finding a stems is less yucky than finding the whole apple though. You should soooo get a dog! Do you want Buddy?
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