Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why did I try this?

What possessed me to do this? I am sitting on the couch on a normal Wednesday night.  I was falling asleep when I remembered that we were having a fudge competition at work the next day.  I got up, put my glasses back on, and stumbled into the kitchen.  I googled a fudge recipe and got started. 

I woke up as the fudge started to boil. 

I looked back at the recipe and saw that it was labeled as "advanced."  (please note the beverage in the picture). What had I gotten myself into?  It turns out, I got myself into a 4 hour fudge recipe.  4 hours!!! Who does anything in the kitchen for 4 hours!!! 

Since I was already 20 minutes in, I decided to stay with it (and I was out of sugar so I couldn't start over).  I kept with it.  I watched for the boiling.  I waiting to take it off the stove until it started creating soft balls in cold water. I only used a wooden spoon.  I didn't stir when I added the butter even when every part of me wanted to.  Matt came home from work around midnight and I shocked him because I was still awake.  Finally it was time to taste it....and it was...was...

Gross.  Something was wrong.  Very wrong.  It was all granular and sugary, not fudgy.  It tasted bad.  I was hoping it would, I don't know, magically change over night so I didn't throw it away, I put it in the fridge overnight.  The next morning, I could not face the fudge.  On the way into work, I stopped by the grocery store and bought some professionally made fudge.  I put it on a plate and called it my own.  In addition to the store bought fudge, I took my "wrong" fudge in to work.  No one ate it and I would not admit to bringing it in.
The winner of the work fudge competition?  Me.  With my store bought fudge.  And I happily accepted the prize.


Nana said...

So I wrote a great comment but couldn't remember my cruddy password so my comment is now floating in cyberspace. Can you tell that Dad is gone this morning?

My comment included the best fudge recipe in the world, which I will bring next week to the beach. It takes 15 minutes to make. You should have called your mother...

Unknown said...

That is so wrong...you don't share your blog with your coworkers do you? Ha ha!

MamaDoo said...

"I could not face the fudge" HA HA HA HA, this is hilarious!
