Ceci is now four months old today. And get this, her eyes are blue! Where did that come from? Her eyes are beautiful and clear and most of the time she is smiling when her eyes are open, however their color suprised me. I guess I just expected the pretty brown or brown hazel eyes like all my other children.
But this, like so many other things, should not surprise me. Now that I have four kids, I know that each one is different and weird in their own way. Cece has blue eyes. Harper takes off her pants the second she walks in the door. Abby is a crafting genius. Will is crazy competititve at board games. As I have looked back at baby pictures of my three big kids, people tell me how simallar my children look as babies (actually they tell me how much they look like Matt). Each time, it surprises me. They are so different and individual to me, even as babies. I guess baby C will be the one that stands out. But I have a feeling that I will be the only one who can see it.

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