Monday, May 13, 2013

Let's Chat in the Car

The most stressful time in my house is getting out the door in the morning.  We are usually in a rush and the kids are usually fussing with one another.  I am holding the baby, a cup of coffee and my work bag as I rush out the door behind the kids.

Why do I insist on taking the children to school instead of getting them on the bus?
1. I get 20 extra minutes to get ready/run around if I take them.  20 minutes is my sanity.
2. I get to have these amazing conversations with them in the car.

A few days ago, we chatted about the fighting in Syria (I didn't turn off NPR fast enough).  It was awesome to hear Will and Abby asking questions about why people would be fighting.  They asked me who was right and who was wrong, and it boggled their minds that it wasn't clear.  Don't worry kids, it boggles my mind too.

A day after that, we talked about how hot are volcanoes and what magma is made of.

A few days before that, it was Civil Rights (NPR started that one again).  Will had studied some in school but really wanted to know why the police were not nice to people during the civil rights movement.  This one is going to take a few more minutes than we have in the car. 

Throw in a few discussions about Native American long houses (2nd grade curriculum), where babies come from (mostly when I was pregnant with C) and it is one of the best times of my day.

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