Thanks to my cool neighbor Emily, we have a bumbo seat for Harper. Harper loves sitting up on the kitchen counter and seeing everything. She surveys the kitchen and watches me as I run around getting ready in the morning.

Harper also loves that Abby doesn't bother her...as much. Harper never crys but the other day she broke out in a loud squal. I asked Abby what was wrong with the baby. Abby let me know that "Baby Harper started crying 'cause I roared at her." Go figure.

The bumbo has only been in our house only one day and you can see that everyone likes it. Matt is working on the computer while Harper sits in the Bumbo. It looks like Harper is watching tv with Abby, but I don't think she can see if from her seat.

Abby also wanted a turn in what she calls the 'bimpo'. She also called it the 'potty seat' but I quickly corrected her but I really hope she doesn't try it.
I'm glad all of the Perrymans are enjoying the Bumbo/Bimpo. Lots of precious babies have enjoyed watching the world from the seat of that Bumbo/Bimpo. By the way, why does it seem like Harper is growing in warp speed?
We LOVE the bumbo seat at our house. We took it on a trip to the cousins' house tonight and they all took a turn in it. (They're 7 and 4, by the way!)
I put it on the kitchen counter all the time...it seems to worry some people but that's better than on the floor where she can get a bath from the dog. On second thought...a little multi-tasking isn't such a bad idea....
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