1. I learned that you can put a hamster on a leash and that someone actually has walked a hamster. The rationale? Real hamsters need to go outside because they need to be on grass, right?
2. Multiple ladies still wear their mouth guards and retainers at night on a regular basis. I also learned you can take your retainer to the dentist with you and they will clean it for you. The practical side of me congratulates them. The teenager inside of me says "eww...gross."
3. Lots of people have tried hip hop step classes at the gym and most of us have failed at them. The highly choreographed moves are hilarious when a person recreates them in the middle of my kitchen after a glass of wine.
4. The 'I'm just sayin' story was first told at a wine night. Matt used to say "I'm just saying" in an argument to make his point and it would drive me nuts. I am glad to report that Matt no longer uses that phrase in arguments because all the ladies bugged him about it when they ran into him at the pool or the playground. I owe my sanity to you.
What a fun thing to do! We definitely need our girls' nights, don't we? I know I look forward to book club each month, although I think it would be more appropriate to call it "wine night!"
Very nice summary! Your wine night was fun. I imagine Morgan's will be fun too...everyone is ready to get outta da house! Gotta run, need to walk my hamster... My stomach hurt from laughing w/ that story!
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