Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mommy's job

The kids do give me most of my material for my blog. I have gone through a dry spell so I was super excited when Abby blurted out this little gem on the way home from Christmas with my family in Greensboro. Thank goodness for long car trips.
Will, Abby, Harper and I were riding in the car. I had talked to the kids moments before about bad behavior (it is now a constant discussion about not being rude, saying kind things to our family or not hurting our siblings) and it was one of those times that someone was screaming. After that person calmed down, I heard Will and Abby talking. Abby said to William: Mommy has two jobs.
I then interrupted because I was interested. I said: Abby, what are Mommy's two jobs?
Abby said: One job is for her to work at Elephant.
I said: And what is the other job?
Abby said: The other job is for her to be mean.


Unknown said...

Bwah ha ha ha!

Mack likes to call me "Mean Mommy" but he usually immediately follows it up with "Nice Mommy, Nice Mackey" Kids are so freaking funny!

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! At least you know you're doing your job, right?! ;)

Unknown said...

Ok, I understand the "mean" job, but what's with you working at "Elephant". I think I missed something. X)

Anna said...

Hey Lori, Elephant is the company I actually work for. Abby knows that is one of my jobs.

MamaDoo said...

LOL! I love that! We are having similar discussions about what it means to talk rudely to someone, because a certain little lady has not been a lady lately. I yelled at Neil tonight and was promptly told I was being BERRY WUDE!