Friday, December 7, 2012
My Productive Self and Non-productive Self
My Productive Self (PS) and my non-productive self (NPS) are at odds most days. Here is what I hear them say to one another:
PS: Hey.
NPS:Hey, good to see you (they are very cordial to one another).
PS: What did you think of dinner last night?
NPS: Some of your best work. You were really productive.
PS: Aw, thanks. I worked really hard.
NPS: Too bad the kids didn't eat one bite.
PS: Typical.
NPS: What? Sorry, I was watching Good Morning America.
PS: So what are your plans today?
NPS: Plans are really more your thing. I was going sit on the couch and hold the baby. Maybe take a shower but I don’t want to set my sights too high. I am okay to go one more day without a shower.
PS: Disapproving look.
NPS: Did you want to do something?
PS: I am glad you asked. I wanted to finish the Christmas cards, clean out Abby’s drawers, go buy stamps, call about repairing the windshields on the cars, scrub the bathroom, do the dishes and review the online customer reviews about pumps. We need to check work email as well, don’t forget. If we still have extra time between baby feedings, let’s run to Martins and get something fun to make for dinner.
NPS: No. Let’s watch the whole HBO series The Girls on demand.
PS: Wait, that seems incredibly….
NPS: Incredibly what?
PS: Lazy.
NPS: I agree to a shower and I will blow dry my hair. Don't we get points for nursing the baby ALL THE TIME and for picking up the big kids off the bus on time?
PS: Lazy.
NPS: Shhh…The Girls is on. Don’t you want to see this?
While I love both my productive self and my non-productive self, the latter has been putting the better agenda forward. This is what maternity leave is about. It is a reward, almost a prize for having a baby. Both my productive self and my non-productive self can feel the wonderful maternity leave days slipping away and don’t want to miss their chances for greatness. NPS wins once more today; we count the shower as a great achomplishment.
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Love this conversation!
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