Monday, August 31, 2009

Like brothers and sisters I used to know

We were riding home from Target yesterday and I told Will and Abby we could all have a piece of candy after we carried in the groceries (yes, two starbursts are a great bribe to get them to help with the groceries).
Will cheered: "yeah, candy!"
Abby repeated: "yeah, candy!"
With a wicked smile, Will then leaned over to his sister and said, "Abby, you don't get any candy," which made Abby cry. Why, why did he do that? I am now calming Abby by promising candy and yelling at Will not to bother his sister.

Immediately, I flashed back to my brother tormenting me through my entire young life. So it begins at ages 2 and 4.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shouldn't I brush my teeth?

I just withheld brushing teeth as a consequence tonight. It was in reaction to Will using his tooth brush as a weapon to make Abby cry AFTER I had asked him to stop...twice. Yes, I feel like I have hit a new low point in mommyhood.

On the other hand, I think it worked.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Abby can talk now

Abby has lots to say. She just learned that all of us have the last name of "Perryman" at our house. She points around the room, starting with herself. "Abby Perryman, Will Perryman, Mommy Perryman, and Daddy Perryman!"
She just realized it is funny to mix up the names too. You can see her little brain processing her 'joke' as she points to me and says "Daddy!" Then she laughs and says "no, you not Daddy."

Most of the time, she is just demanding 'noodles' or telling me that 'Kiki hit me.' I was pretty upset when Abby told me that Kiki hit her five days in a row. I went to school and talked to the teacher about it. It turns out that Kiki only comes to school on Tuesday and Thursday and had only hit Abby once. Maybe that is just one of her jokes that I don't get.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The morning sprint to the door

Once again, I am standing at the door with three bags, two juice boxes and one slow toddler. Every morning I am surprised by the rush for us to get out the door. Hands down, the most labor-intensive part of my is between 6:45am and 7:30.
I know I only have myself to blame. Sure I could lay out clothes and breakfast foods the night before, but I never seem to keep that up. I guess I could be like Matt lets the kids pick out their own clothes to wear to daycare. On the days that Matt lets them do that, the teachers say things like "did daddy dress the baby today?" because nothing matches.
This morning, like most mornings, William got up around 6am. He came into my room and asked to get into my bed. He is fully awake and ready to chat. "hey mom. I didn't have no time outs at school. I played in my room last night with speed racer. Do we have nappers here? The one's that take kids?" I rolled my huge pregnant self out of the bed and into the shower so I was ready to get Abby up by 6:45. She asked me through her pacifer if she could take her bunny to school. (She said specifically: Mommy, bunny go school? With Abby?) Abby can barely see me because her hair is in her eyes.
I found clean socks for everyone, packed Will's swimming suit for water day and took the very stinky trash out the curb because it is trash day. Abby has her hair up and Will has his shoes on the correct feet. Now the yelling must start. "Get in the car. Please get in the car. EVERYONE IN THE CAR! MOMMY IS GOING TO BE LATE!" The kids just think I am nuts.
In just a few weeks, I get to do this with three.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Yes, I am eight months pregnant but who can resist a good game of dodge ball? Here are some awesome action shots of a big pregnant lady in a cut-throat game at my office. I can move pretty fast for someone who usually waddles when she walks!
The next day, I was paying for my action moves but it was worth every minute.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Can I kick the baby?

I am 35 weeks pregnant so I am getting to the end of my pregnancy. Not only do I waddle when I walk, I also am eating everything in front of me. It doesn't matter what it is: a watermelon, a tomoato, or southern fried chicken with gravy, I will eat it. Even though the waddling and the eating habits are the same, this pregnancy feels different. I realized that because this is the third baby, I am not doing the same prep work to get ready for our little Harper Elizabeth. To get in the 'mood' to have the baby, this is what I have done to prep:
1. I've gone through all of Abby's clothes and thrown away the outfits that are too gross to be worn in public. Why did I pack those clothes away in the closet for two years?
2. I've packed a bag for the hospital.
3. I have taught Abby to say "Harper." She says it "ha-pur. in mommy's tummy." That is her full name.
4. I have talked to Will about the baby in my tummy. During my conversations, I told Will that the baby kicks me. Will's only question was that he wanted to know if he could kick the baby back.
5. I have forced Matt to vacuum. He found where we keep the vacuum.