Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

The kids learned a new Christmas song from Shay-Shay and Papa Tim. I love it so we sing it all the time.
Santa is coming, hi ho, hi ho.
Santa travels over ice and snow.

So pull up the covers and cover your head

Because Santa won't like it if your not in bed.

I think I like it because it mixes Christmas fun with a little Santa fear.

All jokes aside, the kids had a great time with Christmas. They are the perfect age to do things like:
- Put out reindeer food in the front yard. (Reindeer food is a mixture of glitter and oatmeal.)

- Believe that Santa really did take a bit out of the cookie and drank all the milk that we left out for him. Tell everyone multiple times.
- Get super exited when Santa's (aka Uncle Thomas) bells jingle outside their window.

- Write a letter for Santa. This year, Will included me in his letter and asked Santa to bring me some clothes because I like clothes. It melted my heart.

- Eat all 5 candy canes out of the stocking in one sitting.

- Ask Aunt Ack-Ack to get in the play house with them.

- Open all their presents right away to play with them. Nerf guns, puzzles, Memory, Bouncy ball, pillow pet. They tried to play with them all at once. It was a funny, silly manic frenzy.

- Check out Harper's presents and say "I will play with them for her because she is a baby."

Merry Christmas kids.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

30 is not so bad, really

I won't lie, I have not been looking forward to this birthday. Now that it is here, it is not so bad. To celebrate my birthday in style, this is what I am going to do:
1. Get up before my kids. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the quiet. It is a simple pleasure but it is the best. If the kids come into my room to sleep in the middle of the night, they make it extra challenging to sneak out of the bedroom and downstairs without waking them up. I am getting to be a pro. I guess it is because I am 30.
2. Take the day off of work. Matt is going to do the same. We might even talk to each other. I really do enjoy talking to that man but screaming the events of the day to each other over the children at dinner is not really adult conversation. Lately, Harper has been quiet the comedian and tries constantly to make her brother and sister laugh by hitting herself in the head. It is funny, but it kills all dinner conversation.
3. Take the kids out to breakfast. I expect loud singing of Happy Birthday at Panera. I can handle it, I am 30.
3. Go shopping and buy myself something pretty, but not too expensive because we are on a budget. That is what you do when you turn 30 and become responsible.
4. Take a nap. A really good nap. The kind of nap that I take my contacts out and turn on the noise maker. I would do this at any age.
6. Go out to dinner with my friends.
7. Have a big glass of red wine, and toast to the next 30 years of fun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Come on kids we are going to the park so mommy and daddy can see their friends

When it is warm outside, we take the kids to the park at least 3 times a week. We love the park. Check out Harper's face. Pure joy. Yes, the park is for the kids but we found out it has grown up benefits too. I give the park credit for giving us friends when we moved to Virginia. We knew no one, but there were kids at the park who came with their cool parents. We chatted. We laughed at the kids. We starting bringing wine. I wanted to go the the park every day. The kids go to the park to play but Matt and I go to socialize. Here is a recent picture of Matt looking down the street, hoping to see some of our friends bringing their kids to the park. He has his phone in his hand so he can text them if they don't show. Don't worry Matt, your friends are on their way.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

thanksgiving comes but once a year...

...and good thing because I can't zip up my skinny pants. We had a great time with the family who made the long drive up from North Carolina to visit. To add a little spice to this year's post about Thanksgiving, I asked the little people in my house to tell me what they are thankful for. Harper can't speak coherently yet but if she could, I am sure she would list things she is thankful for in the following order:

1. Bunny. This is a stuffed pink bunny that used to be Abby's. Harper's face lights up when she sees bunny.

2. Daddy. She loves her daddy ALMOST as much as she loves bunny. She has the same reaction when she sees Daddy as when she sees bunny.

3. All the rest of you people who are not bunny and not daddy. Sure, she may give us a smile, but it is not the same as her number 1 and number 2.
The two speaking children in my house also weighed in on what they were thankful for:

1. homedays (the opposite of school days)

2. yeah days, i don't go to school or have to take a bath.

3. mayme that can make everything yummy to eat. But she died.

4. big swings i can get on myself.
5. mommy-when she is nice to kids. And she gives me tape for my paper when i color.
6. daddy-he pushes me really high on the swings.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It is hard to be the middle child and this is why

I have posted many times that I am a middle child and what that means to me. It is a blessing to be the one in the middle. I also have a soft spot in my heart for my Abby, as she too is blessed (a debatable blessed, but I digress) with being the middle child.
This weekend, Abby earned her middle child stripes. I was running around the house with some Thanksgiving preparation work. I was holding baby Harper who had just had a big breakfast. Will caught both of us in action with his amazing camera work.
I guess I was swinging Harper around a bit too much during my mad dash around the house. Abby was under my feet but it was my sister who brought the situation to my attention. Becca, with a very disturbed voice said: "There is something wrong with Abby." I looked down at Abby and oh, there was something wrong with Abby. Harper had THROWN UP in Abby's hair. It was just a little baby spit up but it still counts as throw up when it in in your hair.

I got the throw up out pretty quick but I could not stop myself from taking a picture first. I tried not to laugh but could not help myself. Abby's face in this picture captures it all.
On nights like tonight, a Monday night, where Abby would not eat her dinner, got frustrated with everything, lied to me about her green beans and talked way to loud, I will think of this. When Abby and her three year old attitude are trying every bit of my patience, I give her one extra pass because she puts up with a lot as my special middle child.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I love to play with my brother and sister

Harper is a lucky little girl to be born into a family that has constant playmates available for her. There are times when the playmates are not so willing. While on the whole the Abby and Will are very good with Harper, it is hard for them when she is in their here where she is chewing on parts of the Wii and standing in front of the TV.
I can't capture it on film well, but it cracks me up to see William or Abby trying to lift Harper to move her. They are frustrated that she is playing with their toys. Harper giggles and smiles as they pick her up (it is hard for them because they are not very big). They set her down at my feet and sigh with their hands on their hips: HARPER IS TOUCHING MY STUFF! The kids go back to the other room. Harper has not stopped smiling. She immediately starts crawling back over to their toys. I just settle down into the couch with a People Magazine to watch the fun and remember my own childhood with my own brother and sister. Kids, it does get better....when someone goes to college.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My stance on firearms

William held up his new toy, a small fake saxophone.

Will: Mom, this makes the perfect gun. Check how good it shoots.

Me: Oh yeah, that is great Will.

Will: Mom, did you know that there are real guns in the world?

Me: Really? Yes, Will I did know that.

Will: Why don't we have a real gun?

Me: Will, I don't really like guns. That is why we don't have a gun.

Will: Dad likes real guns.

Me: You are right Will, he does like guns. But I don't like guns.

Will: And you have to listen to girls or they will break up with you.

Me: I have no response. I have no idea what to say.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

My Ninja, Princess and Love Bug were awesome this Halloween. They are the perfect age for the Halloween festivities which included a Halloween parade put on by my very cool neighbors in addition to the traditional trick-or-treating. For trick-or-treating we had a rockin time, complete with an impromptu Halloween sound track. The group we went with included:
1. My three kids, as I referred the them earlier: the Ninja, Princess and Love Bug
2. Two additional princesses (all three were in the same Cinderella dress)
3. Two storm troopers (one under 10, one over 30)
4. A Spiderman with no mask and Spiderman's dad who did wear the mask
5. A pirate
6. Dracula
7. The tooth fairy - who as answered the age old question of what you do with a prom dress that still fits. You get a wand, a set a wings and wear that dress again!
8. Three other adults who dressed as adults. Don't let the outfits fool you, I saw everyone in that group break out a dance move during the trick-or-treating event.
9. Matt and I were also there and yes, did not miss the occasion to dress up. Matt went as Tigger. Again. He reminded me that he has owned that costume for longer than he has known me. Wear it proud Tigger.
10. I purchased a Peeps costume online. I laughed at my own joke all night long as I told people I was going as a Sexy Chic.

Getting ready for this American tradition does take more time than I expected. My usual line about having three children: Having three is no more difficult than having is just more car seats. I take that comment back when I was try trying to get ready by dressing three children in complicated outfits, get in my costume, pack drinks for Matt and me, pack a cooler for the kids, pack jackets for later in the evening when it gets cold AND make all this stuff fit in the stroller. For the record, I was on time for the Halloween festivities. I was sweating and so was Matt, but we had all three kids with us and we were ready to be away from the house for the next three hours. Yes, only a three hour tour. So worth it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

April October

My kids don't really get the point of April Fools. I realized this at breakfast the other morning when they started playing April Fools jokes on me. Well, not really April Fools jokes. They just kept saying April Fools. For example:

1. Mommy, someone is in the bathroom. April Fools! (no one was in the bathroom)
2. Mommy, you have underwear on your head. April Fools! (no, I didn't)
3. Mommy, I just ate all my cereal. April Fools! (see picture below)
I briefly debated in my head if explaining April Fools would be possible. Would they understand that (a.)it is not April and (b.)their jokes are not funny? Would I be doing any harm if they didn't actually understand what April Fools was? I decided it would take more time than it was worth to explain the April Fools concept and went back to my coffee while they continued happily with their April Fools jokes.

While I was enjoying my coffee, I fake smiled and fake laughed at their April Fools jokes. I silently took comfort in the fact that my kids are funny when they are not trying. For example:

1. William, my grown up little man.
Will said: Mommy, I broke the seat.
I said: Will you are going to have to fixt that yourself.
Will said: Oh snap.

2. Abby, my middle daughter.
Abby sings this song at the top of her voice to the tune of the Scooby Do theme song. She usually does it when she is concentrating on her coloring or stickers.
Abby sings: Abby Abby Lou, where are you, we got some work to do now. Come on Abby Lou, where are you? We got some work to do now. Repeat multiple times.
3. Harper, my little baby girl.
I said: Say mom-ma.
Harper said: Dad-da (she smiles big).
I said: Come on baby, say mom-ma. Mom-ma. Mom-ma.
Harper said: Da-da. Da-da. DA-DA (bigger smile).

Oh kiddos, you are SO, SO funny.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where did you get those Harper?

I swear, I just turned my back for 30 seconds. In that short time, I straightened up the living room, packed a bag for our outing and picked up the cat water bowl so Harper wouldn't play in it.
When I turn back around it was 6 minutes later and I was trying to hussle the kids out the door. I found Haper in the pantry being a bit too quiet. Harper had successfully opened the pantry door, knocked some crackers off the shelf, and sat down to have herself a little snack. She was very proud of herself. While I was a bit grossed out that she was eating crackers off the pantry floor, I was very proud of multi step process she followed to get to something on her own. Way to go, self sufficent third born.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Seasons are easy, clothes are hard

Oh William, I am so sorry to send you to school like this. Abby and I go shopping all the time together. It is kind of our thing that we do together. That means that I am prepared with all season outfits for Abby. Unfortunalty for you and your clothing choices, you do not like to shop. I forget to buy new clothes for you. I am reminded when you come down the stairs in an outfit that showes your belly or is too tight on your little five year old butt. Fall has snuck up on me and all of your long pants are too short. My bad buddy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ode to the end of summer 2010

It is offically over. I have loved the summer of 2010. I found these pictures and had to post them, even though it is October.
We went to an outdoor event last weekend and everyone had to wear a jacket. Fall is here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The conversation was bound to happen

Abby is learning about the differences between a girl and a boy. I would like to reference an older post where William learned about the differences between girls and boys.
Now it is Abby's turn. Here is her story.
Abby (yelling): Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy. Mommy!!!
Me: Yes Abby, what do you need?
Abby (still loud): Mommy!
Me: Yes?
Abby: Um, mommy? I have a question. What is my penis called again?
Me: What?
Abby: What is my penis called?
Me: Abby you don't have a penis. You have a vagina.
Abby: Bober!! (yelling to William) Bober!!! My penis is called a ba-gina!

Great. Terminology is the first lesson. We will get the rest later.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why daughters need a dad

Girls learn lots from their moms. I see Abby mimic me in ways that William never did. I am sure that Harper will do the same. The way Abby cuts her eyes and lifts her voice are things she got straight from me. I would like to reflect on the things that Matt gives my girls that only could come from him. Don't get me wrong, William will get these things from his dad right along with the girls but that is an obvious connection. William mimics Matt the way to Abby mimics me.

1. Wrestling moves. All the kids wrestle on the floor with Matt. Matt is teaching the girls as well as Will to wrestle. This picture was taken right before the wrestling started.
2. Dance Moves. Ask the majority of my college friends about trying to teach me how to dance. Even though they put much time and energy into teaching me dance moves, my groove still leaves lots to be desired. Matt on the other hand is a good dancer and will hopefully teach the kids.

3. How to relax. I can be a bit high strung. Here is me holding Harper at the bus stop one morning. I am trying hard to contain her squiggly baby moves. Matt on the other hand, does not try to contain her energy in the same way. He actually encourages it. 4. How to sleep. Matt is an excellent sleeper. My kids can sleep through anything. Most recently, we had a fire alarm that needed a new battery. Unfortunately, the smoke alarm did not register the new battery that we put into it. We had to remove it from the wall after two days of alarm chirping. All the children slept through it just fine. Abby even elected to sleep in the same room as the chirping alarm. I give the kids things too. They will remember my laundry folding parties and holding hands in the middle of the night when they come in to sleep next to my bed. I am sure they will look at this blog when they are older (because I will make them) and have their own memories of this time. But right now, while they are wrestling on the floor, I am glad Matt and I can use our strengths to give the kids - Will, Abby and Harper - something special.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Don't be a slave to fashion...

...because Abby is not. My middle daughter likes to wear what she likes to wear. She likes to change clothes a few times a day. Her outfits of choice are all her own. She likes "go-go" shoes, jewlery (her favorite piece is a bead necklace on a piece of twine) and a crown. The socks with sandles, car shoes or a frilly dance skirt are really just necessary accessories.
I do draw the line at wearing her nightgown to school but I have let it go to Target, against my better judgement.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A bachelorette party with this old lady

LP is getting married in a few short weeks. For her bachelorette weekend, 8 very fine ladies went to Wrightsville beach to live it up like the rock stars we know we are....kind of. Here are the stories that I must write down to give you a little snap shot of a bachelorette weekend when you are 29.

1. My price of entry was 10 hours (5 hours down and then 5 hours back) in the car with all three children. Matt supposedly had to work but every time I spoke to him he was playing corn hole

2. I dropped the kids off at Papa Tim and Shay Shay's house at 8pm on Friday. I felt free! I felt awesome and young with NO car seats in the back. I turned up the radio and headed off to the beach house a few minutes away. On my drive, a young man drove up along side me and stopped next to me at the stop light. He smiled. I smiled. What a great start to the weekend! He then motioned for me to roll down the window. Okay, from the safety of my own car, this should be fine, what the heck.

He said: "Hey."

I said: "Hey."

Then he said: "Did you know you have two ice cream cups on your back bumper? They are about to fall off."
Dang. That went a different direction than I expected.

I immediately started laughing. I guess I think I am just a little hotter than I actually am. I also realized I can't get away from being a mom, even when the kids are not in the car. It was just like the Toyota commercial where the lady leaves her diaper bag on top of her van, only mine was ice cream cups.

3. On the first night we were there, we had dinner at the house and talked until the wee hours of the morning. We also had a dance party. For the sake of comfort, we changed into our jammies first. Save those restrictive dress up clothes for another day. While we are at it, I am also going take my contacts out and change into my glasses too.

4. Here is a great picture of all of us out on the town. Interestingly enough, the young man who took this picture told us to all make our best "cougar face." All eight of us stopped talking to stare him down.
One of our group yelled: "We are not cougars! We are not old!"

All I know is that when we are cougars, we are going to look great.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Harper's Birthday

1 year ago today, our Harper was born. Today she is happy go lucky, pulling up to stand, front facing car seat riding, grape eating girl. I think she enjoyed her birthday as much as any little girl could. She ate some blueberry pie. Her siblings sang to her a few times. Abby never got the tune right, but it did not bother Harper.
I can't believe my baby is a year old. Part of me wants to freeze her right now. She is so cool sucking on her two fingers and smiling with her six teeth. She may have the the same long lashes as her brother and the same giggle as her sister, but our Harper is one of a kind.