Saturday, August 31, 2013

Trying to take a picture of all of us

At the end of Crystal's wedding, all I wanted to do was take a picture of our little family.  It was easier said than done, as it was 8:30 and the natives were getting restless.

Multiple Attempts looked like this
Before we got the great picture (featured below) we have lots of tries.  Matt was acting goofy. Harper was not interested.  The baby had her pacifier.  I wanted to display this one because you can see me and Abby having a lovely conversation about smiling for just one more picture.

End Result
Well, Harper looks a bit tired, but this one is going to be framed in the hallway.

A wedding for ALL of us

Happy Wedding to Crystal!

We were so excited to go to a wedding for Matt’s cousin.  It was a beautiful wedding.  It was also the first wedding we had taken all four kids to.  We survived the getting dressed process with no casualties.  The kids were mostly quiet through the wedding and even took a few turns on the dance floor.  
Crystal up front!

Abby is having a hard time being quiet.  I am not surprised.

C in her pretty dress, playing with the keys that we gave her to try to keep her quiet.
Will on the dance floor
Harper on the dance floor

While blurry, you can see that this is a classic move she has borrowed from me.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Look who can crawl!
C learned to crawl before her birthday. While we are not at all surprised to see her crawl, we love to see her move through the house. She is a great eater, so she is usually picking up crumbs off the floor and shoving them into her month. She does follow the big kids around, but only if they don’t want her around. She really really loves the cat water and bits of trash. She also has to be watched closely around toilet paper.
Oh C, where are you now?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Football-The Sideshow

The last post was about Will and his football. I am not giving the full picture if I don't cover the sideshow activites of three lively girls. We arrive at practice with only a few minutes to spare. I usually come loaded with snacks (even though we have just had dinner) and crafts (we always need crafts). Now we are ready to sit and enjoy the night air. The girls play with friends and romp on the side lines.

As the season wears on, I stop going to practice. I turn that over to Matt because he loves it and because I get sick of it.

In August, there are a few magic weeks where it is fun again. While our attention is usually focused on Will during these events, the side show is usually just as entertaining if not more so. Here is a typical night of practice.

On this night, the girls can't keep their hands off the field rope.  The rope runs around the field to keep people (parents I guess) off the field.  My girls like to use it as a “let’s see how many times I can touch it before mommy loses her cool” rope.   C, at least this year you sit where I leave you.  You will be up with that rope next year. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Football- for Will

It is fall so it is time for football! This time consuming violent sport takes over our fall every year.
This is Will’s first year playing tackle. I can tell you that I was a bit worried at first, but now I am into it.  I actually watch the games.  I now understand the difference between when a player should tackle and when they should block (WHAT?  I KNOW!)  I cannot describe the pride that I have when I see Will tackle a player on the other team. I did cry a bit the first time they announced his name after sacking a quarterback.  i know the other player is just a child, just like Will, but it was amazing.
As part of my reward system for Will is that I promised to do 20 pushups for every tackle he gets that stops the play. The first time he sacked a quarter back, I stood cheering on the side of the field, swelling with pride and joy for my son. I had my arm out ready for a high five. He came running up, grinning through the sweat and his helmet. He yells out: “that’s 20 mom!”

Monday, August 5, 2013

Craft Update

My crafty, crafty girls. I have countless pictures and painting so I consider myself a very lucky mom. Because I love to garden, I had the girls work on a few garden pots. I have permanent paint on my front walk and my favorite gray shirt but it is well worth it to see these happy crafty faces.