Wednesday, October 27, 2010

April October

My kids don't really get the point of April Fools. I realized this at breakfast the other morning when they started playing April Fools jokes on me. Well, not really April Fools jokes. They just kept saying April Fools. For example:

1. Mommy, someone is in the bathroom. April Fools! (no one was in the bathroom)
2. Mommy, you have underwear on your head. April Fools! (no, I didn't)
3. Mommy, I just ate all my cereal. April Fools! (see picture below)
I briefly debated in my head if explaining April Fools would be possible. Would they understand that (a.)it is not April and (b.)their jokes are not funny? Would I be doing any harm if they didn't actually understand what April Fools was? I decided it would take more time than it was worth to explain the April Fools concept and went back to my coffee while they continued happily with their April Fools jokes.

While I was enjoying my coffee, I fake smiled and fake laughed at their April Fools jokes. I silently took comfort in the fact that my kids are funny when they are not trying. For example:

1. William, my grown up little man.
Will said: Mommy, I broke the seat.
I said: Will you are going to have to fixt that yourself.
Will said: Oh snap.

2. Abby, my middle daughter.
Abby sings this song at the top of her voice to the tune of the Scooby Do theme song. She usually does it when she is concentrating on her coloring or stickers.
Abby sings: Abby Abby Lou, where are you, we got some work to do now. Come on Abby Lou, where are you? We got some work to do now. Repeat multiple times.
3. Harper, my little baby girl.
I said: Say mom-ma.
Harper said: Dad-da (she smiles big).
I said: Come on baby, say mom-ma. Mom-ma. Mom-ma.
Harper said: Da-da. Da-da. DA-DA (bigger smile).

Oh kiddos, you are SO, SO funny.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where did you get those Harper?

I swear, I just turned my back for 30 seconds. In that short time, I straightened up the living room, packed a bag for our outing and picked up the cat water bowl so Harper wouldn't play in it.
When I turn back around it was 6 minutes later and I was trying to hussle the kids out the door. I found Haper in the pantry being a bit too quiet. Harper had successfully opened the pantry door, knocked some crackers off the shelf, and sat down to have herself a little snack. She was very proud of herself. While I was a bit grossed out that she was eating crackers off the pantry floor, I was very proud of multi step process she followed to get to something on her own. Way to go, self sufficent third born.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Seasons are easy, clothes are hard

Oh William, I am so sorry to send you to school like this. Abby and I go shopping all the time together. It is kind of our thing that we do together. That means that I am prepared with all season outfits for Abby. Unfortunalty for you and your clothing choices, you do not like to shop. I forget to buy new clothes for you. I am reminded when you come down the stairs in an outfit that showes your belly or is too tight on your little five year old butt. Fall has snuck up on me and all of your long pants are too short. My bad buddy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ode to the end of summer 2010

It is offically over. I have loved the summer of 2010. I found these pictures and had to post them, even though it is October.
We went to an outdoor event last weekend and everyone had to wear a jacket. Fall is here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The conversation was bound to happen

Abby is learning about the differences between a girl and a boy. I would like to reference an older post where William learned about the differences between girls and boys.
Now it is Abby's turn. Here is her story.
Abby (yelling): Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy. Mommy!!!
Me: Yes Abby, what do you need?
Abby (still loud): Mommy!
Me: Yes?
Abby: Um, mommy? I have a question. What is my penis called again?
Me: What?
Abby: What is my penis called?
Me: Abby you don't have a penis. You have a vagina.
Abby: Bober!! (yelling to William) Bober!!! My penis is called a ba-gina!

Great. Terminology is the first lesson. We will get the rest later.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why daughters need a dad

Girls learn lots from their moms. I see Abby mimic me in ways that William never did. I am sure that Harper will do the same. The way Abby cuts her eyes and lifts her voice are things she got straight from me. I would like to reflect on the things that Matt gives my girls that only could come from him. Don't get me wrong, William will get these things from his dad right along with the girls but that is an obvious connection. William mimics Matt the way to Abby mimics me.

1. Wrestling moves. All the kids wrestle on the floor with Matt. Matt is teaching the girls as well as Will to wrestle. This picture was taken right before the wrestling started.
2. Dance Moves. Ask the majority of my college friends about trying to teach me how to dance. Even though they put much time and energy into teaching me dance moves, my groove still leaves lots to be desired. Matt on the other hand is a good dancer and will hopefully teach the kids.

3. How to relax. I can be a bit high strung. Here is me holding Harper at the bus stop one morning. I am trying hard to contain her squiggly baby moves. Matt on the other hand, does not try to contain her energy in the same way. He actually encourages it. 4. How to sleep. Matt is an excellent sleeper. My kids can sleep through anything. Most recently, we had a fire alarm that needed a new battery. Unfortunately, the smoke alarm did not register the new battery that we put into it. We had to remove it from the wall after two days of alarm chirping. All the children slept through it just fine. Abby even elected to sleep in the same room as the chirping alarm. I give the kids things too. They will remember my laundry folding parties and holding hands in the middle of the night when they come in to sleep next to my bed. I am sure they will look at this blog when they are older (because I will make them) and have their own memories of this time. But right now, while they are wrestling on the floor, I am glad Matt and I can use our strengths to give the kids - Will, Abby and Harper - something special.