Friday, July 9, 2010

Football with the Family

We went outside and played football in this extreme July heat. Here is Will getting ready to throw the football. On the other end Abby ready and waiting for her turn. Will learned that if he waited long enough to throw the football, Abby would yell a lot. He likes making her angry. Matt is coaching. Here is the shot right after Will had launched it. I refer back to my statement that Will is better than me at most sports. And here is the shot right after Abby launched it. She has not yet surpassed my sporting ability. Soon.
What is Harper up to during this little game? Sitting on the grass being a good baby.
What am I doing during the little family game? Sitting on a chair drinking a glass of wine. That is my idea of a perfect sporting event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! See, even way back the olden days of college...we were kindred spirits. You can often find me sitting in a chair, or even the grass like baby Harper, with a nice glass of vino. My neighbors enjoy these kinds of activities, too, which is even more fun. :)