Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby Cecilia Anne is here

We have number 4!  Cecilia Anne arrived on her due date, 9-20-2012, at 6pm.  She gave us a run for our money, trying to stay in when we all wanted her out.  My epideral wore off at the end of the delivery but I did survive (I do not regret the loud words I had for the doctor).  No matter how she made her entrance, I could not be happier with my newest family member.  William, Abigail, and Harper were thrilled to meet their little sister. 
Since having Cecilia I have learned:
1. My mom rocks.  She came up and cooked, cleaned and kept me sitting on the couch for a whole week.  I already knew my mom rocked, but it was a good reminder. 
2. My house is loud.  Cecilia is right at home in the noise.  She sleeps right through it all.
3. Harper was a really easy baby.  I guess I believed that Cecilia would be like that.  She is not.  Cecilia is not a bad baby, she just wants to stay up all night.  I want to sleep.
4. The kids are conspiring against my sleep.  Harper, Will and Abby woke me up at different times in the same night.
5. I am no longer pregnant however I don't want to give up my pregnancy eating habits.  I love chocolate cake.

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