Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Abby's loose tooth

Like ticks, loose teeth are gross to me.  It turns out, when you have children, there are lots of loose teeth in my house on a regular basis.  Abby has a few of them right now.  One night after a week of teeth literally hanging out of her mouth, she got up the courage to let Matt try to get them out with pliers.  The whole family gathered around to see the "removal". Abby was a trooper, right up to the time that Matt put the pliers next to her face.  Like any reasonable person, she freaked out, ran away, and screamed. 
To Abby's credit, she pulled one tooth by herself right after the freak out.  The other tooth took a different path.  She let "hang" for a few more days until it fell out in her hand. 

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