Saturday, February 26, 2011

You can take the redneck out of North Carolina...

...But I can't guarantee we will always act like the sophisticated people we are during our day jobs. The other night, Matt took the kids out into the garage for a little Nerf gun target practice. I thought it sounded like a great idea (aka get the kids out of my house for ten minutes so I can make dinner).

I decided to go out and join the fun. If neighbors were driving by, here is what they would see.
1. A grown man and five kids (our three plus our neighbors kids) playing outside in a very cold garage. Two little boys holding nerf guns. A grown man setting up the shooting targets.
2. Two little girls riding tricycles through the nerf gun firing range. You would also hear some yelling as Will says "Abs, get out of the way!!! Mom says I can't shoot you but you are in the way!!" I think that made Abby even happier. Check out her grin.
3. A little toddler removing some of the "targets" when she gets excited. Please note the targets came out of the recycling bin. They included an empty beer case, two boxes of Target brand cereal and two diet coke bottles.
4. All the children trying to find the nerf gun bullets out in the dark. They did not have much success so there were many bullets in the yard and the street the next morning.

Sure, we may look a little country, but it was a lot of fun...even for me who only got to shoot the nerf gun once.

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