Monday, August 12, 2013

Football- for Will

It is fall so it is time for football! This time consuming violent sport takes over our fall every year.
This is Will’s first year playing tackle. I can tell you that I was a bit worried at first, but now I am into it.  I actually watch the games.  I now understand the difference between when a player should tackle and when they should block (WHAT?  I KNOW!)  I cannot describe the pride that I have when I see Will tackle a player on the other team. I did cry a bit the first time they announced his name after sacking a quarterback.  i know the other player is just a child, just like Will, but it was amazing.
As part of my reward system for Will is that I promised to do 20 pushups for every tackle he gets that stops the play. The first time he sacked a quarter back, I stood cheering on the side of the field, swelling with pride and joy for my son. I had my arm out ready for a high five. He came running up, grinning through the sweat and his helmet. He yells out: “that’s 20 mom!”

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