Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Will is learning to use the camera

Every time Matt or I want to use the camera, Will wants to take a picture too. He is getting better but he often hits the video button instead of the picture button.

From his camera work, we have some interesting pictures of us 'trying' to smile for the camera. Really the whole time Will is taking video the whole time. Here is a day in the life at the Perryman house.

1. The first video is of Matt on a normal weekday night. Yes the TV is on and that is work on his lap.

2. This is a video of Will taking a picture of himself. I am cleaning out the fridge in the background.

3. This is me throwing out leftovers. Please notice that I did pause to smile for the picture I thought my child was taking.

One day I am going to be so glad Will has saved these rather boring events for us. Today, I'll just share them with you.

1 comment:

MamaDoo said...

You are so funny. I especially love the first one of Matt. Ha ha ha. How are you feeling??