Wednesday, October 27, 2010

April October

My kids don't really get the point of April Fools. I realized this at breakfast the other morning when they started playing April Fools jokes on me. Well, not really April Fools jokes. They just kept saying April Fools. For example:

1. Mommy, someone is in the bathroom. April Fools! (no one was in the bathroom)
2. Mommy, you have underwear on your head. April Fools! (no, I didn't)
3. Mommy, I just ate all my cereal. April Fools! (see picture below)
I briefly debated in my head if explaining April Fools would be possible. Would they understand that (a.)it is not April and (b.)their jokes are not funny? Would I be doing any harm if they didn't actually understand what April Fools was? I decided it would take more time than it was worth to explain the April Fools concept and went back to my coffee while they continued happily with their April Fools jokes.

While I was enjoying my coffee, I fake smiled and fake laughed at their April Fools jokes. I silently took comfort in the fact that my kids are funny when they are not trying. For example:

1. William, my grown up little man.
Will said: Mommy, I broke the seat.
I said: Will you are going to have to fixt that yourself.
Will said: Oh snap.

2. Abby, my middle daughter.
Abby sings this song at the top of her voice to the tune of the Scooby Do theme song. She usually does it when she is concentrating on her coloring or stickers.
Abby sings: Abby Abby Lou, where are you, we got some work to do now. Come on Abby Lou, where are you? We got some work to do now. Repeat multiple times.
3. Harper, my little baby girl.
I said: Say mom-ma.
Harper said: Dad-da (she smiles big).
I said: Come on baby, say mom-ma. Mom-ma. Mom-ma.
Harper said: Da-da. Da-da. DA-DA (bigger smile).

Oh kiddos, you are SO, SO funny.


Emily said...

Your kids are funny and so are you. Love your blog. Makes me laugh.

Kim Sulecki said...

Love hearing about the kiddos. Maybe I'll start a blog?

MamaDoo said...

Ha ha ha, laughed so hard at (b) their jokes are not funny. Abby looks so much like your sister.