Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby's first tantrum

Let's add this to the list of firsts in the baby book.  Last night, Harper wanted something on the counter.  To think about it, Harper wants lots of things on the counter...sunglasses, my phone, sharp knives.  To her, we keep all good things on the counter just out of her reach.  To her credit, she is right.  We do keep all the good stuff up there.

In the first picture, Harper is reaching for one of those good things.  It might have been the camera now that I think about it.  That is what prompted me to take these pictures.  I got the camera instead of her.

Yes, now I am sure it was the camera.  She was not happy with me that I have the camera when she wanted it.  She took the time to grunt at me with her baby grunts.  She started pointing with her baby fingers to let me know that she wants the camera.  Wait for it...

...Oh she is not happy now! Here is the tantrum that we knew would happen sooner or later.  Go Harper go!  Make it a good one! 

A strong finish with a time out on the stairs.  Oh yes, baby's first time out.  This picture also does double duty as it also records baby's first escape from time out. 

1 comment:

MamaDoo said...

If I gave out blog awards you would definitely get "Best Captions"
