Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A how to guide to keep your sanity in a crazy mixed up world

From time to time, people look at me and shake their head when I tell them I have four kids.  Their head shake is a mix of pity and concern.  I don't mind, I kind of look forward to it.  I like it the best when one of my kids is screaming.  Sometimes it is followed up with the ever present "how do you do it" question.

I now have photographic evidence of how I do it.  Let me draw your attention to a few things.  This will help you, I am sure.

1. There is a small child hanging from my leg.
2. There is smaller child sitting on the floor staring at me.
3. This is not my house.  This is my good friend's house.  She is feeding me dinner.  She also feeding my children. Find friends. (this is an essential step)
4. The blurry child to my left is not mine, but she does entertain my children. (really this should be step 3b)
5. There is wine.  This helps (forget all steps except this one and number 3).
6. The most important thing to note is that it is fun.  The fun is what makes me dance.  Yes, this is my dance move.  It shows that this is actually fun for me.  My life is loud and sometimes overwhelming, but it is fun.

1 comment:

MamaDoo said...

You are so hilarious! I wish we were neighbors!