Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Someone loves to wear makeup

Oh my Abby, growing up so fast.  When I get ready for work in the morning, she joins me.  She does not want me to do her hair, she would rather have all the knots and tangles.  She does not want to help me pick out her clothes, she wants to wear her mismatched dresses and pants.  She is after one thing and one thing only….makeup.
I say: Abby, just a little bit of makeup, I want you to look like a professional lady (not a professional hooker).
Abby: Oh mommy, I am going to look so pretty.
I say: You are already so pretty.
Abby: (holding up my concealer) Where does this go mommy?
I say: On your eyes, but just a little bit.
Abby: (smearing it all over her face) Okay mommy.
Daycare must think I am crazy.  I took Abby to school looking slight an umpa-lumpa. What did I say to Abby? Very pretty Abby, very pretty.

1 comment:

MamaDoo said...

Lady GaGa says that's in style!