Thursday, June 16, 2011

Farm box and my own veggies

I caved. I bought a co-op box of farm produce every week.  I know, I know, I planted a garden so I shouldn't have to buy a box, right?  Wrong.  My garden has so far only produced 3 tomatoes (the squirles have gotten the rest) and the handful of green beans that I have referenced before.  There is some squash coming, but it is not here yet. 
So I have had two deliveries from the farm delivery and let me tell you, I can't get enough.  I am so excited on Thursday afternoon to come home and see what is in my box.  It is like Christmas, and all my gifts are produce.  The kids and Matt eat relatively little amounts of produce so it is really all for me.  So far, I have gotten mint, potatoes, tomatoes. squash, green bean (yes, I know I am growning green beans, don't rub it in), corn an blueberries. 
Check out the box.  Tell me you wouldn't be excited to see this on your kitchen on Thursday afternoon. 

Here is something I made with the produce.  Again, I was the only one in my house who would eat this without making a huge fuss (including Matt).  It was darn good.

The moral of this blog is that even if you are trying to grown your own veggies, a suppliment of fresh and local produce from a farm co-op makes you feel good however a bit disappointed in your own gardening skills.

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