Saturday, June 4, 2011

I have a hobby...I grow things

I happen to be ridiculously proud of my backyard garden.  I am not a good gardener and I have never really done this before, but I thought I would give it a try.  And I love it.  I show everyone who comes over to my house.  I ask other people about their gardens (and then ask to see them).  I come home at lunch to water the plants and then hurry back to work for meetings.  I take the girls outside at night to water the plants and look for new veggies growing.  Most of the garden looks like this.  Yes, those are snap peas and carrots coming up!!! I know, I am so excited to see little things coming out of the ground!  I bet you are excited too.

On the side of the yard, I am growing yellow squash.  I grew them from seeds so I have a few too many.  I hope this means that I am going to have lots of squash.  So far, I only have two squash.  But they are way cool!!

My green beans are my pride and joy.  I also grew them from seed so have way to many for my small garden.  And they took off!  They are taller than me.  Please note that my models were very excited to show how tall the beans are.  

On Friday night, I picked my first set of green beans.  And here they are, please count all 7 of them!  After
looking at them for a while, showing the kids, calling Matt, I did throw away the 7th bean because it looked a bit funny.  


Unknown said...

You are awesome!!!! And I am totally jealous of your green beans because my green bean seeds didn't grow (I think I had bad soil...thanks Miracle Grow). I totally understand your feelings about your garden...because I feel the same way about mine. It's just the best thing ever. (Also - plan to freeze're going to have it coming our of your ears!!!!)

Terry said...

Your beans are so tall! Taller than me I'm sure. I'm flattered that you asked about My garden. We have one bean plant. It's a lima bean that Erik started at school. I don't think it's happy growing outside of the classroom.