Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Even with the illnesses that made it into our house, we had a lovely Christmas.  It was CeCe's first Christmas and the big kids had a blast.  They are just the right ages to get it.  They understand the Christmas story and they like spending time together. While I may gripe about the occasional hardships of a large family, days like this make it totally worth it.  Here are a few of the good ones from Christmas.

Everyone made into this picture.  I like to call it "Christmas carnage."

Will riding his new bike in the foyer.
Hello Kitty and a craft?  This is so Abby.
Harper and I played princess legos all around the house.

Baby C and me on Christmas morning.  I am still in my pajamas and my hair is not brushed, but I do have coffee.
Here is Cece in her Christmas outfit.  Abby has learned how to read the words on the pants.  Every time I hold Cece up, she comes by and pokes her in the butt so she can show that she is reading the words.

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