Monday, December 31, 2012

Hey, you are looking a little trampy, Barbie.

Barbies were a big hit this Christmas at the Perryman house.  One of the not so pleasant side effects of having a house full of barbies is that you inevitably end up with a house full of naked barbies.  There are times when I walk into Abby's room (aka barbie central) and literally every single barbie is disrobed. 


Theory one: The clothes are hard to put on.  I have put approximately 100 barbie outfits in the last 3 weeks so I am an expert.  It is difficult to cloth them.  Once the dress is off, it is hard to get back on, without a crow bar and a lot of time.  I am glad I have a college degree so I know the exact angle to bend the barbie arm so the dress will go on.  I know the exact amount of pressure to put on the barbie foot so that the shoe will go on the foot instead of the foot wiggling out again.

Theory two: Art imitates life.  My kids like to be naked.  They would like to be naked all the time if I would let them.  Most days, Harper walks in from school and immediately takes off her shoes, socks and pants.  My friends come over and I am usually trying to make Harper put on a pair of pants seconds before they walk in the front door.  I don't always succeed.  I make Harper wear a shirt and underwear all the time, but she won't if  I don't make her.  Right now, my three big kids are all asleep in just their underwear.  I've given up on trying to make them were pajamas. 

Theory three: The clothes are so trampy, the barbies might as well be naked.  Every single barbie dress is super short.  Every pair of barbie shoes are stilettos.  Come on barbie, where are you going to wear these outfits?  Not to church or the library.  Not to the office or the grocery.  I guess the kids figure that where ever the barbies are going in those clothes, the barbies might as well go naked.

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